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the debut album 'Invention' available on all platforms


watch the making of...

-Produced, Engineered & Mastered by Silas Brown

-Assistant Engineer, Doron Schachter

-Tracks 3, 5, 8, 11, 13 composed by Michael Thurber & Tessa Lark

-Track 1 composed by Eddie Barbash, Michael Thurber & Tessa Lark

-Executive Producer, Judy Evnin 

-Supported by Mary Jo & Ted Shen, William H. Braunlich & Michael R. Meyer, 

Nancy Quinn & Tom Driscoll, Sandy & Darrell Dale, Marianne Sciolino, 

Peggy and Malcolm Richards, Gerald Slavet and Carlos Tome

-Recorded in NYC at the American Academy of Arts & Letters,

  Dec 14-16 2019

-Album art design by Julie Chencinski

-Photographs by Silas Brown 

-All rights reserved, Redonky Tonk LLC, 2019

A note from Tessa & Michael about 'Invention'...

This album is an attempt to capture all of our musical influences in one cohesive body of work. In deciding what of our repertoire to record, we were looking for a solid concept that would anchor all of the musical selections.  Our minds immediately went to J.S. Bach.

Bach's music has always been our musical home base and a benchmark of musical perfection.  In particular, his Two-Part Inventions have occupied a central place in our hearts. These beautiful bite-sized works of counterpoint illuminate the full expressive possibility for two musical voices.  You can hear these melodies laugh, mourn, swoon, and argue

as they meticulously intertwine.

In the spirit of these Inventions, we have 'invented' our own set of duos. Just as Bach's Inventions are explorations in counterpoint, our duos explore the full range of what is possible with our specific two voices: violin and bass.  Both the violin and bass have played an integral role not only in European music but in all forms of American music, from Appalachia to New Orleans. In our compositions, we explore these different styles and dive into our own musical heritage - as Classical musicians, but also as Americans.  


We were thrilled to work with acclaimed Producer Silas Brown on this album, whose vision and expertise guided our performance every step of the way. We’ve never been more proud of a recording and we couldn’t be more excited for you to hear it. Thank you for listening.



Tessa & Michael


© Redonky Tonk LLC 2021

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